can i be a bestie ):
m a x
Support. I've seen Justin moderate the MV Discord, and while in-game/forum moderation is a bit different, he has definitely shown that he has the...
yeah LMAO
ily aly ): thank u for everything you’ve done
bestie :)))
i love you steve this is what it looks like
UR 18
chipe the majority of the server is under the legal drinking age pls stop promoting illegal activities however i will definitely be attending bc...
chipe valentine’s day is almost over u will live
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Mvdi The offender's exact ingame name: breadwardd A...
thanks atom <3
thank u disc ily <3
thank u mj i appreciate you too :)))
thank u boba <3
I love you so much <‘3