I don't want mv to update because a lot of people probably don't like the pvp mechanics that 1.9 has.
For the past month, I have notice that a lot of servers like Op pvp are lagging a lot, I reset my router and internet, and nothing improved, I...
Aww man, I wish Mineverse was 1.7 again. D:
Ok so i just switched to 1.7 for mineverse but the log in screen is stuck at logging in for an hour, what is going on?
Oh and how do i post my screenshots and video proof?
I should also mention, that she threatened to ddos me as well, i will provide proof when she messages me again.
Ok so this person name Sexaltations is showing player abuse by insulting my race and making fun of how I look and what my name irl is in private...
I have, but nothing, i always get 4 bars, i seen complaints lately still, so i guess the servers connection is a little off. idk.
Hi, ItzArctic here, I have been playing Mineverse for over a year, and I notice something about the connections, when I first join op pvp, I...
IGN: ItzArctic PvP Skillz: Strafing and Combos Personal Traits: Funny, Nice. First Name: Eric Rank: Mvp Time Online: 1 hour on weekdays, 7-10 on...
for people who want to know, i'm ItzArctic
So I changed my name from AlphaGodHD to ArcticLord53, I decided to change my name to my main ign now, but it says " max name changes, player can...
100% support bro :D
I'll be trading tons of things on some servers for a rank up to God such as money, gear, food, rare things and etc on op pvp, survival, kitpvp,...