Once we get the server back up on it's feet we'll need the manpower for staff and I think you'd be good enough to help out since you know the...
Op will be a hard reset so everything will be gone. Yeah, we're working on making things a lot fairer across the board and I feel as though the...
We're working on Op at the moment that's all we can really say. We have a lot of new and exciting features to come to make Op better than it ever...
bro best BEST bro on bro's kizzle
5 on FOHnem
we initially didn't allow this due to privacy reasons but I wouldn't mind it being implemented. Support
Bumping With the current planned revamp of OP I wanna know if the community is still in support of this.
Love the youtube song and birthday ones, the others are great too, keep it up boba! thank you Matt also :)
SUPPORT make signs spicy
not replying to me on disc is rude we gunna scrap