Bit of a click bait title but I want to know who's going to be returning for the release of OP because I am curious and I wanna see if it's going...
You were a good YouTuber when you had it but I do believe you did go a bit inactive and stopped making videos for a bit even while I kept doing it...
Yes bro let’s do it Might be possible o.o
I’m glad you still think highly of yourself
One of the only og's I hoped would return. Good to see you around man, I'll see you on op :)
I hope it's true but we'll see man. I would like it if you just stuck around, rebuilt your relationships, and came back for good for the future of...
OP is around the corner. It's coming back. We're all older now and doing things with our lives but I'll always make time for stuff like this so...
You need to stop quitting and then coming back saying you're a changed person. Just stay if that's what you want to do or don't. We used to be...
hey butter cup
Dope! Thanks :) You're a nudge BUMP
We have rods in KitPvP but would be cool to add some changes in the way PvP is on Op too. As bad as I am with rods, I am not against this :)
Obviously content is difficult right now but it would be nice to have some content creators for when the server is back on its feet so I support...
Killing and banning all of the closet cheaters and becoming #1 on OP
This guy seems like a solid candidate let’s promote him right now!
I could pass that b like stockton
brand new whip just hopped in
bro bro.
Mineverse will always hold a place in all of our hearts hence why some of us are still around no matter how much time passes. It's sad to see it...
At the moment game activity is tough but you’ve been familiar with the server and how it works for years now. I think once the server gets back on...