number 4
number 1
Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for staff on Mineverse. Unfortunately you don't meet the requirements for staff at this time. We...
We had some good fights back in the day, glad to see you’re still around hope you’re doing well man. Prime MV will always hold a place in my heart.
I still am RentPvP
There’s a selective amount of people who will never be unbanned because of what they did over the years, I think we all know the names. I feel...
think we’re all old farts
So many memories on here, i hope everyone is doing well, my life has changed drastically but it’s good to visit the past now and then :)
I think I remember you being quite chill back on op, we used to fight a lot and it was really fun - it’s hard to be active at the moment but i’m...
woah it’s Zick
Man… what a journey it was playing on this server for 10+ years and meeting so many people - hope everyone is doing good. Let me know if you...
I remember MarkGel, premium account - you were cool to fight. Hope everything is good :) - RentPvP
great idea bro
Looks crazy thanks Crew :)
is that megan on the mineverse forums
Support on Gangnem
he’s an amazing mentor put some respect on his name
Dopeeee Discord: Tvlar Good Luck Everyone :)
it’s over spicyhannah is back folks