Support, sounds dope.
Wow who is gonna quit next? Peace
Oh, ok I unliked them. Thank you.
Is liking multiple posts on someone profile post farming? Im gonna unlike ?
As other comments say, No :(
@ ^ D: Bye dude.
And cocaine. jk no need to mute me.
Sup dood
That moment when your ban appeal has been up for 1 week and gets immediately denied after posting this, by Pile. Coincidence? I think not!
Brady has 5 Super Bowls that's pretty good
Hi, I like Trump. This better not be deleted. Bye, bye.
Who cares that no team has done it before or that it went into overtime. That's what makes them good that they can make a comeback like that.
Pats too good boiii!
Yeah if you mention that kid and he gets caught I'm pretty sure it's like a 1k fine.
VPN doesn't do anything if he already has your IP?
I'm not sure how the prison looks so spare me, but for gangs instead of it bejng outside of prison make a little world inside the prison. Make it...
People don't even last 30 mins in reg faces without getting bored and leaving.
Remove regular factions and add HCF
Ok I will add you(name might be referencing Trump) :P
Ok lmk if u get it