Neutral, I feel like if an individual wants to hide his report he is more than capable of doing so. ( Using the & System implemented already )....
Neutral. I have not seen you much in game anymore. I also think you could be more Active on the forums. Great guy and did make a great Moderator...
100% No Support. A Koth would be a great idea for the server base but rewards would be pointless. I have always thought adding a Sharp 6 Sword...
Yes, Exactly like you said though there is no point in Repairing set's when * /Kit Op * is every 2 minutes and a set is 2$ its cheaper to just buy...
Neutral/No Support : UNLESS If they made it where there was a way to repair sets for free but 35's & 40's and such could be a little more money OR...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: BallsToWalls The offender's exact ingame name:...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name:BallsToWalls The offender's exact ingame...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: BlessedSlice The offender's exact ingame name:...
I Don't know because here is my opinion on the matter... Ultra Keys are something you get off voting or Dragon egg finds or Vote parties. Ultra...
Forget it. It wasn't enough Evidence.
Fully Support... nothing is more annoying pvping someone who goes down to 1 Heart and is healed and that happens 3 times... whats the point in...
Rent, your the biggest cheater their is on Mineverse.
I fully support Aciding and his Running for the Mod tag. Having active staff member’s that are on all the time such as Aciding would help benefit...
I believe an unban all is a great idea... with everything going on right now having more players on your server is a great idea... some which...
.... This Is Stupid. MR_B3n_123 you Say I "Hack" XxXNitro21XxX you Blackmail people and Ban Evade...
Hi. 0_Inzanity Here. So On KitPvp Sardonyx_ Said I Was Getting Banned For Stealing An Account. I Don't Know Who's Account I "Stole" And I Didn't...
Hi Staff Me Again 0_Inzanity. I got On today and Danewill101 Said NoobCupcake Abused And Said He had a Alt generator so he doesn't care if He...
I recently Msg'd IJustDied And I Asked him Saying You're SourPatchSpartan And He Replied Saying "Yes" Then Said I'm Lobby Banned On My Main. Here...
Well Alex. He got Tp Trapped And He Lagged Out When It Happened. And He Was mad And then Blackmailed him. Ill Get a Full Screen shot for you...