your picture is AMAZING, and CypriotMerks didn't see my report D: I cri
I wanna suicide ;n; and I might just do it
Love u2
Hello I have changed My name to BabyTheBae And I can't use my plot on creative Because it says this plot is claimed by baby_12_34 So I can't use...
heller :> i'm baby_12_34
do u like Anime? if u don't I will like kill myself... *Grabs knife* do u? O:
I has a ps3 & a ps4 <-< u should like add me c; DO U HAVE A PS3? O: I have.... 1: The last of as 2: gta5 3: CoD 4: Advanced warfare (if I spelled...
Can I have your Skype so I can stalk u I mean O-O .... (but srsly I want yo Skype) xD
k ..
:D luv u 2 :333
x'D k C:
CAN U CLOSE MY MOD APP? c: and.... Ily suh much <3 c::::
well.... it's on the forums so u do need help :} <3
Pandeh close this bae <3 @PandaBear__ or tay tay @Taylor
well free country, plus im just trying to help :}
<~< k just trying to help calm yo ----'s >->
.__________________________________________________________. she don't listen x'D
k :} well <-< last mod app was like 4 or 5 month's ago
I'm 12 now, and I lied only them few times <-< and I put my real age this time. I changed :}