everytime someone tag's me in something then I or someone elts commends on it, it says "Name has commend it on (name's) profile then it says...
Hello dare m8
Lets Skype bae ^-^
io m8
He don't see alerts when ppl tag him in it.
Sorry love <33 @gianni024
@canucksfan44 , @Yin <---- my Canadian bae's
u are my bae not my friend <:
armergurd u trust my ex? ;_;
@PandaBear__ @Yin @canucksfan44 @Kirito @rDestiny
that was 2 days ago smart 1 <:
k o3o well :-: nice known ya u cuss way to much http://gyazo.com/d7f566ac4e2ce7204c2dea26af3f437a
OH u trying to be nice on this so ppl will think u are nice but a lot of ppl know u are a rude a-- bi---
DAMMMMMMMMMMMM u be like hot af
sure <.< u are "Trying"
I think u should work on being nicer to players and not call them whores -_-
<,< yea
No support u are very rude and immature :-: u will like never in a million years get mod <: (what I think)