Hey crew good to see ur on
Infection will never be the same even if they somehow did manage to get enough players on it.
mineverse is dying/dead
If I didn't make this thread then someone would have made another thread on asking for help on OP PVP
yeah, I was an OG infection player as well, was one of the first to reach prestige 10
Yes. 3 different threads when there only needs to be 1.. sweet The thread or ur comment ??? cheeers
I even stalked them to see their old names. never heard of them. I remember you it's Scorvix or something like that (theres a 50% chance i got...
@Conquest why did u dislike
cool, cool.
Here is an idea, if you are wondering what is happening with OP PVP either read the other threads and read the comments/questions on the thread...
whats with all these "boss members" Iv'e never heard of. smh
He closed it.. cant remember what he said
Looks good, thanks Aelin.:)
look who came online
I miss you bro
We will never know
One of my many bad memories would have to be when I spent day after day on Skyblock trying to make it better then everyone else's and one day I...