:L:L:L:L:L God damn it bedwars
Lol I was thinking of factions at the same time. I meant cobble :hilarious:
It's good that I'm following Cyp and not you
Yea, if your lagging like a madman you can take all the villagers items for free and you can just build an entire obsidian base that has like...
You're so sweet, hmu on Cadbury.com
Yeah. #Bananaman11223ForStaffManager
@Nightfire grave dug
No support.
Where did you gooo ;-;
Why did you make another app? No support.
#PrayThatISISWontBombLondon #Pray4Paris #PeacePlease
WW3 on the verge, Paris dying slowly and possible attacks on the UK and the US. Happy Friday the 13th everyone.
Holy mother of facepalm No support
ey b0ss i habe Elric acc0unt
That's why I commented "No" instead of "No support" soooooo
Check my sig you cheeky lad
Diamonds180 98761
Support, no questions asked.