I remember when I applied I was denied because of "Lack of trees".
Yeah, please.
to come back to mv ;-;
I CAN WRITE ON YOUR PROFILE OMG so long hi babe, love 4 love?
@Mega @WolfBane (may the non biased be with you) @WolfWhispers
Oh ok, just be careful next time. Bye.
Came back to say support. Im done
Ily2. Have a good christmas babe I hope so! :) Have a good christmas. Fare well. Have a good christmas. leave now I DON'T EVER WANT YOU TO...
I've got some time so I'll do all the comments. Thanks bud. BTW It's "Ewan" not Evan, sorry for being picky :p Have a good christmas as well....
Ello mate ;)
"[Commander] DragonDesigns : @TADS4 hacks!" Looool. Before I leave I'll just put this support here..
If you have evidence, the mods could contact Cyp and get it sorted or you might have to email [email protected]
Hi. And probably goodbye as well, I have to do the dishes, sorry.
Bless you. No support.
bahahahaha xd