No. Kit god is still powerIV bow.
1. geniebyun 2. up2U115 3. Fast bow 4. [media]
But my titan friend gave me kit titan and it was prot3 but it wasn't powerV it was powerIV.
How about GOd then
1. geniebyun 2. palmettodude1999 3. Fast bow 4.[media]
More details!! Good luck tho.:)
Using colors should be fine.But.... I support!!
That's not a way to write a app. Sorry but edit it.
1. geniebyun 2. phinephine 3. Anti_knockback 4. [media]
1. geniebyun 2. burton_alcide 3. spamming 4.
support!! It will be fun.
I think that donate ranks should get a good armor then /kit op. sharpness 25 is way better than sharpness 5. But If u eat super golden apples,...
I agreed.
100000000000000% Support!!!
Nice idea!
Why does supreme gets powerV bow.But God/Titan gets powerIV bow. God/Titan is higher donate ranks but why does God/Titan doesn't get powerV bow...
Thanks!! And I will check the grammer out.:D