Bruh, just say 6
4 pooooo
I'm british, on alts pretty much all day.
How much do you play op pvp? I've barely seen you on there recently.
Neutral, once I see you on other game modes more often I'll support.
Cuz im mean, also cuz 3 posts were made on this subject within like 2 minutes, werent our fault
Don't you realize you'll never get mod... it isn't a matter of trying again in the future, you'll never be suitable for mod.
Um why do you hack in your velt video... 4.5 on reach display.
If you didn't know that, you didn't read the mod app guidelines, yet another reason you'll be denied
@SniffMyToes Come on dude this one is easyy
Your ingame name: Hurren The offender's exact ingame name: Whatsupcoolguy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
I'm eu and I've only seen you on a handful of times in the past month
Do you realize you have destroyed any chance you had of getting mod by replying to the comments on your app the way you did.
Jeez how desperate are you for mod
Maybe you were active when you made this app but you aren't any more, I barely see you on once a week and I'm usually on 8 hours a day. (op pvp...
Too bad
Well multiple people were wrong, I've been keeping track of peoples pings for over a year, suddenly eu players went from 200 ping to 130, new...
Its not an eu host. its near new york. im eu with 110 ping, xokah is new york with 40 ping.