Hey Tyler! :D
Putting a period at the end of every word is not a run on sentence, it is far from that. @KenjiTakashami81
Your In-Game Name: SoCyrious The Offenders Exact In-Game Name: ItIUre A Description of What Rule They Broke: Inappropriate Chat Evidence:...
He's basically a clone of OmaiChurchie, but a more racist one, lmao.
I feel like Scary_Taco just joined those forums and automatically applied for staff, and somehow got it because someone ghostwrited the app for...
@Swift Thank you for being one of my good friends and being so helpful. Though I did kind of call you rude in your application, it's behind us...
As if that wasn't obvious, you have clones like ParkourSlayer joining, it starts going downhill.
Don't forget the 'plz'
If I had a server I would make this man my co-owner. He does everything so well.
My IGN: SoCyrious Offender's Name: TehSniperKid What Rule They Broke: Bullying Evidence: EDIT: The picture is wrong and I cannot find it, I do...
I think Owner is a way better choice.
Hi Pink, it's Cyrious (Cyr)
Support all the way!
So you judge all of the application by the title? [IMG]
I laughed at none. Because my humour does not understand anything.
@Suchtryhard Then please, send me some pics.
I'm dead rn.
Fun Fact: I eat cereal off the floor.
I've changed my mind, I vote yes. After meeting you on MV you seem like a nice guy and pretty helpful towards me.