No friends on a side note jk idk Facebook is not your friend do not ask a girl out on there. Also, when asking her out don't filter your words...
That's a bit hypocritical because nubs scam ooh kill em boys.
What elo are you?
Most mods give you advantages over players lol.
Have babies with me bub.
@YRVintage Dis asdfs grill skipped me a 4rd time rest in spaghetti never forgehtti. On a side note I will fasbjkfnaksk you up in the land of bubba...
How can you? You're the one challenging my judgement.
He probably did and I am not your mate.
How much aids does it take to understand he left.
@YRVintage Daquq dis grill doing she skipped me again asbfhjzbvjbJDBVjk you. I mean you're very nice. I have a tendency to lie.
Thanks fam.
Be noice fam I don't like adsfsdNKVxzm.
Nudes please jk
I did leave ages ago. I am only on forums now.
That's not even a combo you're supposed to keep it going all you do is land a couple of hits then knock them to far back to continue it.
You said you like Iamqtpie brofist.
Okay, my bad this server is great. Donators think they are above everyone. Constant hackers. Toxic community. Scamming. Broken game modes. Broken...