Lol talking trash when you know you hack.
When you talk yourself up and say you're a 10 when you're well known for hacking and ddosing.
ik rip currys mouthguard
It's your boy xrosmage being a sexy savage eskdee.
Just say you're lion then I beat you already you're ez eskdee
so who are you lionbdcraft or tensions
Lion is ez if you're reading this look at my previous name on my profile. xd lion
Mv is garbage. Look at this player count compared to the old one.
But what about op zombies we cannot kill multiple gods or titans without being ana op zombie it is too hard even with 20 zombies the gods or...
obviously they're gonna win
Cyp is starting to look at applications gratz to musezeta
jhow u cheater
No support you're not a suitable candidate to be in my army.
Why are there such cancerous league players in plat.
A leader must be sexy you're not.
Aloha snakbar translation allahu ahkbar isis will carry out my plan
Drama Drama Drama this server is complete trash now abusive mods @PandaBear__ dunno why Anthony even promoted you tbh. That aside apologies don't...
gg xd egg