rob $tone 2 damn phones can't fight x without my bros
dab ;)
Why are you commenting on a post from months ago gtfo?
boi do u even remember me :O
tryna flex? hype beast?
R.I.P I miss you how could you not be here when I come back :((
The fact that you can get banned on a game for talking lmao. talking is the only fun thing to do on this dead boring game everyones...
Yo who tf even is jessy gtfo lmao u rand u ruined the beef I wanted to see this continue lmao it was funny.
I realise I might play again right now I'm like level 50 or 30 something
1. Your in-game name: Xrosmage 2. Your age: 15 3. Do you adhere to our Rules? To an extent I'm not gonna let the highest level get the level why...
My boi got banned :(((
Yea haha
I have haha
hey bub
which account is ur main jackislife or this 1?
Roast me and I'll roast your cat.
Been here since day 1 of your promotion gj boi u earned my stamp of approval thanks for your time and dedication.
Just remove Alma and put me she's to fat :)