I'm still A on OPprison, I want Z back xD
Oh hey it's sc1216 person I met on GTA :P
"plz unban me I wont do it again :("
Anyone here play Heroes of the Storm?
Hi me, I mean You :P
They totally don't all have the same skin ;)
Lol I need to watch some of those, but Im sure I can pin point areas that in episode 1-3 show that Jar Jar is a sith :P
Banned for not adhering to your own rule
Hey that's Kin-Ya Hadu from the expanded universe, I think. I haven't read the comics in a while
That hair? really? k, banned
Banned for having a cliché comical leaf sticking out the top that has a high chance of not appearing in nature.
Banned for using a period
haha :P
OF ZeldaNinja :D
Hey long time no see, where u been tho
Thanks this is my very first profile picture :P
HE fixed mine :D