Loool, you'll be on drama alert with ya boi meme star
Heyy you got forums!
I don't heed warnings >:P. Welcome dude :D
I used to always hang out Opprison, GTA, and Creative.. Good ol' days :P
Tomorrow is my Birthday :D
RIP firefox xD
Wait... you are a girl? Unless Im thinking of someone else....... :O!
Lol that was my first denied application
Lol that was when I was like 3 years old xD
er a bunch of different consoles from my 64 to ps3 sometimes, don't play online tho :o
Dont have steam lol, I meant that heros is probably the only game I play on the computer mostly
On the computer.. probably heros of the storm mostly
:o I don't play as much MC
I hope no server ever updates to 1.9 :/
I forgot if I responded to this or not, but a definite support. -You spend a lot of time on the server and forums -Very helping and understanding...
meh nothing fancy either
Eh dont come on here much, doing good tho :P
But its the journey not the destination right? >:P