Name: the shadow people that follow me around told me not to talk to strangers Age: if you're 7, i'm 7 too Minecraft or fortnite: i dont play...
This video is a relic that needs to be passed down through generations of moderators
I've been groovy as, plus this quarantine has me feeling reminiscent so I've been hopping back on Mineverse every now and then
worst week of my life
Haven't seen you for a hot minute, how've you been?
hey there OfficiallyUnknown ;)
Nah man I'm in the home stretch of high school, got like 3 months left
Hey man, been a couple years! I've been doing great, hbu?
ayy xFeurin, course I remember you man :)
If they bring back infection I'll definitely return to try it out
christ, another old name. Good to see you again Auzzi
holy sugar man, you're still around?! good to see you. I've been real groovy, how've you been?
Wowzers Janice, good to see you're still around. They're not keeping you hostage or anything right?
yeah man you're right that's not good
I'm amazed that there's still people I recognise hanging out on Mineverse. Respect the dedication folks, missed y'all
Ey, another name I recognise. <3
And of course I remember you lol
still alive mate, it's just that I moved on from Mineverse, yknow? Haven't entirely quit Minecraft or anything, just found other ways to spend my time
i wish