I'm not sure we need more maps, but we definitely need better maps. Recently it's seemed like the maps in the current rotation have been quantity...
You can still do /gamemode survival, I think it's just that the shortened version of the command doesn't work anymore
As long as no new perks are being introduced then I'd love for this to be added into the game, a lot of p10s seem to get bored and quit as there's...
Putting your kit on after the round starts isn't too much of a hassle. It also gives alpha zombie a chance to pick off a god or titan early in the...
I just want to know what the hell this thread was meant to be about :confused: If we're talking OPPrison, it seems that many players, including...
Support, checked it out in game. I've already found a few spots I want to try out in a proper round of infection
Checked it out in game, support
@PerfectAly Troll app, please lock/move
Our experienced/well known members aren't malicious enough where they would make these accusations without a valid reason. Either what they're...
I haven't seen you in game very often lately but maybe I'm just not looking in the right places. Judging from your forums account, you're active...
I think having lobby items carry over into the game might be a bit tricky since there's sometimes glitched players who have the full zombie kit in...
No support. I can't form much of an opinion of you as I've never seen you in game, but if I'm judging by the community's reaction to this...
VEm How did I mess up a 3 letter name
many big word make brain hurt Pretty good application. I think you could improve by being a bit more active in game, but I can tell you're...
Well known, very active and mature. Support
howdy porky
Shouldn't this be in suggestions? I can't say I agree with the idea to add fire swords to titan kit. I know titan costs a lot of money so you...
I think the idea of crates is that not everything you get out of the crates is meant to be exciting or worth winning. By throwing in a couple...
I feel like I'm reading a final goodbye note from someone on death row
shut up you goofy gronk