thanks <3
and if i may ask why did you give me no support?
taka im trying to change and every thign i said in the mod app is true
i dont get rude ig any more and tell swagswag i said thx
My phone dont have auto correct
And I dont need disrespectful people replying to this mod app please
There edited it. :)
Once again im on my phone
Any thing I can do to make it better
And please tell me where I mest up in the app
I dont downgrade any more.I do know how to use the reply and edit button ok.
Awww thanks
I will work on it tonight
If I fix this will you give support and you mean on why shoukd I become a mod thats what I need to qork on
Tell me what I can do to make It better
What can I do to make I it better if I may ask?
Aww thx
Like I said I would pvp and moderate but I moderate more than pvping and I think I can handle it but thanks for support