No support. You can be pretty immature in-game. Try makeing more reports and be more activae on forums, and maybe add more detail in your...
@TheNiceSnake Uhhh do you even have to ask? SUPPORT. I have never seen you disrespect anyone in game. Good luck. :p
No support. To me you think every one hacks, and what is "tmr?" Try spelling the words out and maybe ill take you more serious.
No problem. :P
No support. Reasons stated above and my favorite one by @TheUnexpectedApple. I think we need older mods.
Honestly i support you. Simply because I have seen you in-game and you seem nice. As far as the grammar issue goes if you know how to spell a word...
@Dyna_Mighty this is the one i want to keep you can get rid of the Tehbeatles one.
i already did and i forgot to put the h in it :P
ahhh crap tried to get my old forums account name changed to Teehbeatles but guess what i forgot the "h" lol
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Tehbeatles The offender's exact ingame name: in title...
@Xtract im currently trying to get this ones name changed to Tehbeatles so i can get rid of the one i had to create due to forgetting this one.
im Tehbeatles i just remembered my old foorums account :P
well i forgot my tehbeatles account so now i willl be known as CaptainDeath1234
how much i would love to play mineverse again but i dont remember MC account
13 i would like to help people that has been banned wrongly and help them out as much as i can i know from expirence that it sucks to be wrongly...
he asked who unbanned me and i said RecognizedMMO and then he said omfg another new stupid mod.
ign:tehbeatles his:in title evidence @Ares_Xena [ATTACH]
tehbeatles majesticbubble2 evidence @tin15cro [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Wtf is .net and hi blue
Ok bye