@Delta please close thread
@Delta really I am on alot idk Ill try and improve threw school holidays!
To everyone that says havn't seen you in game I am Australia so massive time change and there is currently not enough Australian mods like 1-2....
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Cryptic_YT The offender's exact ingame name:Nocombos_...
@WiiTarded Thanks man I mentioned it slightly not in enough detail ! thanks though man!
@Xtract Reasons please?
@WiiTarded I did not sell it someone hacked it and sold it and the guy didn't know so I had a plesent talk to vinny and know we are good friends...
@Herf you to man good luck in applying for moderator :)
No Support never have seen you in game and have been playing the server for 3 years now or on fourms! and the above reasons not the traits a...
Support man I remember you from ages ago -Im frotac btw orignal player now known as Cryptic
Thanks for the warning xD
Guys this is no place to fight good point though always thought of what hack client and some other plugins they use like if they use Group Manager...
Good Idea!
Nope I've been here since the start no website
Welcome, Enjoy your stay!
Hey man enjoy your stay!