Cool dude
Happy Birthday!!!
You are one of the best staff members on the current team, very active, friendly, and shows passion for the server and its community
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Cloked The offender's exact ingame name: xFluf A...
Appreciate it Crew
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!
(っ ͡ಠ ͜ʖ ͡ಠ)っ<3
- Ill be whatever you want me to be for the right amount of $$$ - 19
We like the same genre of music so thats pretty cool, but so are you for how active you are on discord and forums, respect the grind brother Lil...
Happy Birthday :)
Happy Birthday Bro!
Very informative introduction Atom :) There is so much knowledge to be gathered about you I dont know if I have the brain power to store it all
I respect your dedication to giving honest and detailed feedback on peoples threads, it helps more than some realize
U caught me in a bad time, worked 4 double shifts in a row this week If you want the smoke, Ill give you the smoke
It’s just me vs the mods now I guess 1v1 porky u don’t want the smoke when it comes to counting
Once a pink, always a pink, but it was time for a change :)