You're raffled into all the prizes until you win, unless you only want Kit PvP 2, which I don't recommend.
Hey guys, so I'm leaving for college on the 19th and I probably won't play Mineverse that much after that, so I want to give away all my items...
You're missing my point that we should look at the majority of the server instead of the minority, I get that not everyone uses optifine, but most...
Support, if a sibling of a hacker gets banned then its unfortunate, but I doubt this would happen all that often, it would be a claim hackers...
It could be different plugins possibly? And I guaranteed that if you ask a random Mineverse player, they probably use optifine. I am also...
Most people do use optifine though, and the particles don't cause that much lag. For the majority of the player base, trails won't have any...
It could be various trails based on the particles in the game. You could choose from like fire, sparkles, and etc. I had music note particles on a...
It would be on all servers I have pretty bad fps lag and I was able to handle them, and you could also disable particles in Optifine.
I've played on a server with trails, and I was just fine. And I also have a pretty trash computer.
Ordi is the only person I have ever supported on a mod app, and there is a reason for that....
Should be for all, it doesn't get in the way in PvP.
While everyone is freaking out about the current state of the forums, I'm just here dying in laughter
What a savage. I didn't know it was that easy to mess up the forums. Lmao
I always thought the word donation is not the right word in this context. Sure, you're helping out the server by buying a rank, but that's the...
I saw this pop up in another thread. Adding trails that follow a player would be a good cosmetic perk for our donor ranks, and there are many free...
It would be more of a scam if prices were lowered. I believe the server should take the risk and add kits back. We actually got affected by the...
A reset would be nice for survival, but remember that there are some game modes that have never been reset, like OP PvP.
No support, I watched a few of your videos and I did not particularly enjoy watching them, you have not uploaded a single video of actual...