In our free time we usually just talk and hang out on Skype or TS. If we've had our share of Mineverse, we hop on other servers to have fun there....
Depending on the time of week.
Thank you for your time. We will notify you upon further actions. Good luck and have a Happy New Year's!
Thank you for taking time to reply! If you make it, you surely won't regret it! Good luck and have a Happy New Year's!
Forgive and feel free to ignore myself or my acquaintances. Thank you for applying. Good luck and have a Happy New Year's! Good 1v1ing you by the way!
I will not tolerate disrespect on my thread.
We will decide on a final answer and get back to you as soon as we can. Thank you for applying!
Thank you for submitting your application. Our team will review it and get back to you with our final answer. Have a Happy New Year's!
Thank you for taking time to apply! We will get back to you as soon as we have finalized our decision. We wish you the best! Have a Happy New...
No bribing.
Thank you for taking time to apply! Points for having great charisma in your application! We understand your plight about activity during school...
PvP skills.
Answer my questions accordingly and you may join. On a scale of 1 through 10, what's your favorite color of the alphabet? Also, you're around a...
"Friends in M@fia: Qtaz, Fadings, YoShadow". But you didn't include me. I hope you don't get in but I have to play it fair and ask what everyone...
Thank you for taking time to apply. We will inform you on any further decisions that we decide to make. Good luck!
You're quite lucky. The team voted relatively fast tonight. You received a lot of positive votes. Congratulations, you've joined the team. Please...
Thank you for your participation. I will let the team know about your application and get back to you as soon as possible with out final answer....
Congratulations! The majority voted "yes" for you to be in M@fia. Welcome to the team. If you have any questions, drop it in my inbox or message...
Thank you DoctorDistructo! We will let you know what further actions we decide to make and come back to you as soon as possible. Have a Happy New...
Thank you for your time. You have received positive feedback from members in M@fia. We will let you know when further actions are taken as soon as...