I didn't ask for any further elaboration but thank you for clarifying. I will consult the team and see what they say.
I want to join.
This may be late, but considering you are already in another clan, we will sadly have to decline you.
I see that many of your members don't like our clan for whatever reason. I don't dictate the actions of my friends, but if you guys want to have a...
How ironic and projective of you to put down other people's clans/groups in their own thread in an attempt to make yourself feel better. Adding to...
FightAndFlight and KidzTv are in Mafia. I'll consult with them to understand what the situation is. We can truce but realistically speaking, I am...
New roster.
Been a while buddy.
We're still talking about it. I will contact you once we get more votes on your application :)
Welcome to M@fia
Prank gone wrong....
Hey James :)
That just shows how ignorant you are. For anyone who knows me, that's just how I talk, and how I type. On the contrary, I would find it rather sad...
What about me? :c
I'm not quite sure. It's funny how he never replied. Kids initially think they have a chance against me until they realize who they're talking to....
Half the clan? I don't know where you are getting your information from. Some members have left but that is only natural. Tying in the number of...
I don't know where you get your information but no, the clan is far from falling apart. Perm banned? Aren't half the mods inexperienced 11 year...
Take notes from me, kid.