The only people they ddos is me.
It doesn't say you're a member and sorry, you weren't accepted. You can apply as many times as you'd like though. The decisions of our members...
We haven't ddosed anyone if that's what you're implying. However, yes, we get ddossed every day, constantly.
Hello, Mineverse community. For once, this is Marcus on the thread here to clarify a few things I've been seeing on the forums recently. The...
Marry me?
You have a very mechanically oriented application. This is not what we are looking for exactly and as you can see, we deny many applicants due to...
No, we macro.
You received many positive votes from the team. If you have the time, I wish to speak with you to get to know you better. Skype or Teamspeak, your...
That's just how he is but he won't actually do it unless you give him a reason to.
He's a nice guy with good intentions. I out of all people should he scared of him but I'm not. He hated Sam threatening to steal his account and...
I saw that. That's not my concern though. I'll be putting up a thread later today clarifying a few things.
I've been inactive lately and coming back to all this drama about Mafia is not welcoming.
Hi baby.
My list: Mafia. eZ
You better mention me, kid. All these randies though. You remembered all the randies except me. Seriously what's with all these randies? Who's...
I can talk now if you want.
Considering a lot of members like you, I would like to speak with you either on TeamSpeak or Skype. Private message me if you want to.
You've been denied.