Anyone can take what I said out of context. Logical fallacies aren't hard to use. I reiterate once again: I am apologizing on behalf of her...
First, I'm surprised many people don't know me. Whatever, haha. I'm not apologizing for her. I'm just apologizing for letting this get out of...
Read what I sent to @Imperialous. I don't feel like repeating myself to blinded uninformed children like yourself.
Trust me, I hate this as well. And I feel bad that finding out this information has affected your thoughts on who Rodeen is. Her actions are not...
I agree with you, which is another reason I posted this thread. Clarification is needed so everyone can understand what happened exactly. Also, we...
Try reading what I posted because many of your questions and concerns have already been answered. I am apologizing on half of her because I feel...
But I do appreciate there being a mature member on this forums. Great attribute you have. Be proud of it!
That's true. This community upsets me which is why I am never active here.
I was going to say "We honestly don't care what people think. We've did all we could be posting this thread." but I know for a fact that the way...
I understand that. That's exactly what I was trying to address. However, the members of this community have not even tried to understand....
Finally someone understand the purpose of this thread. Thank you for your maturity. Many others should be like you.
I was waiting for someone to make such a statement. It's funny how ignorant some people can be. What may seem as "just a game to you" may vary...
You're very childish for bringing up a point I didn't initially make. If you want me to be literal, yes he ddoses. He has for a long time. He...
I'm not trying to make her look good. She did wrong. I stated that multiple times in the initial thread. I want to type so much more, but let's...
Banned for threats. That's just a rule he broke. Either way, there are many people who ddos. Someone because he's associated with Mafia, it makes...
I'm apologizing on behalf of her. This isn't an apology thread, this is a clarification. You did say things to her, and she did things to you....
It wouldn't make sense for her to apologize to someone she didn't directly offend. She apologized for being like that. As I stated, "She...
He hasn't ddosed anyone, I can assure you that. Zero_Inzanity threatens to ddos us, yet he never does. It's just a scare mechanism.
Reread what I said. She apologized to me for her actions BEFORE it was exposed. It didn't bother her all that much when it was exposed because she...
No. They ddos me. I have them ddos me for personal reasons. It appears you haven't read what I posted. Once again you are making accusations about...