It's the download for a game in closed beta predicted to be the biggest game of the year. It's already broken records in the gaming industry while...
I support what Tom said, that's why I quoted it.
Stronghold, Forest and City were my favourites to play on. Rest in peace maps :muchosado:
Support. This would be fun to play on.
Support. Looks great for Infection.
One of the most active players in the community throughout the Mineverse timeline.
now you can make youtube vids about moderating lol
congrats on mod
More like [ATTACH]
You did a great job moderating before, the staff team would be lucky to have you back.
I'm just gonna say I like to think the amount of effort someone puts into their application is how much effort they'll put into moderating.
I don't think I could ever trust you to be on the staff team again. We gave you a chance and you blew it from doing so many things wrong even...
I support this.
Hey omilly, yes it has been.
Sounds like they slipped up, time to bounce on that.
Yeah, I saw the brown option lmao. Its probably because the staff ranks take the good colours and they don't want to share.
These are all good suggestions that would certainly improve Infection, but some of your suggestions have already been made, have similar...
No support. Eggs have always been around, only these days they're the weakest they've ever been. Maybe instead of trying to change the game,...