simps… :wtf:
any valorant gamers out there?
gimmie the cold hard facts
I'd support a reset if a large update was incorporated. Such as maps being fixed/added/removed, more post-p10-content, a rework on prestige perks,...
this just me or... [ATTACH] I got one like that [ATTACH]
I know
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Scorvix The offender's exact ingame name: _Han_fegn A...
The prophecy foretold of your return, I'm glad that it was bona fide.
I've come across this problem too, but lets not try to derail this thread. Maybe make another thread for this problem, in bugs/glitches because...
Please delete your old bumps, thanks.
I think it was simple mistake that can be fixed. @kinsey_kid I think this is a job for you fam.
Thanks guys.
a vid about you, you french computer
loooool, hey
even though it says that in the rules... \ [HIDDEN CONTENT] [IMG]
*off-topic posts don't get added to post count*