Also, please be very active on Op PvP. Hackers everywhere on op pvp
My son Bexrs got Mod ;)
I was all along?
Bump Bump Bump @CypriotMerks This should be accepted by now <3 <3 <3
Uno (spanish)
I heard Op PvP's lag really got to most of the players, I heard that most of them quit :(
What's a I busted on Smiley's face?
This post right here is a blessing.
What's a strafe?
;) How was last night?
Anal tonight?
What's a combo?
Fat Bexrs never loses weight, always loses pvp skills o;
Hello? I am looking for a fat Bexrs, have you seen him? He looks like this: *insert fat bear here*
Just think about it, what if they catch my ghost client?