I'll come back for you bro
I don't like men I like boys
Get babe
Yea ofc
There is plenty of clients that can bypass it.
Welp means its time to get another client that bypasses aac. Ezzzzzzzzzzpzzzzzzz
Thanks for the follow man
A trip to the club
Yea, they need to update there plugin for hoppers. MV is the only server that I still know with no hoppers.
Why not allow them when 80% of MV hacks. I don't get this server at all
Yes, it still a full block when its open and closed. Yes I know the spot I played on that map a lot.
A fence counts as a full block. So there is no way they could hit you threw it.
You had a insider?
Wow, you had the best mod app I ever seen. Then some mod had to close that bish
You had me we you said I speak mexican. LMAO
Hellll yea support. Mv bout to be lit
+1 deff support
Support. That has been on the /f help for years. I would really hope they add it.