Yeah I Know!
Guys This Game Is Going To Be So Fun!!! Please Play It!!
Yo Everyone!
Fourm Game 3 Items And A Police Officer... So Basically, your picked up by a police officer and you have 3 items in your boot. the police officer...
And then Katy Perry grabbed the potato and ate it and started narrating everything about the story, but...
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
because i wanted to drop it on ur head because my mom had a baby an i needed to drive it home (don;t know what it is doing in the back) well.. uh...
yep it's E
Ok everyone this is confusing so I'll just do a riddle I am the Begining of eternity The end of time and space The Begining of every end The end...
Popped out
Giant Atomic fart
Someone did a
Sorry I didn't understand that part of clicking the sign. But yeah don't click the sign on past levels. I did that before and I was so annoyed
here are some tips for level II (I am up to like level 6 or 8) 1. When you get to the ladder part, don't go to the front allot. Go to the middle...
1. Dora the explorer because she need a place to explore and she explored the back of my car (LOL) 2. Machine Gun because @omie2001 shot it in...
Please do an application on this if you can. This means allot for our faction Nerds to have people join.
There are allot of problems that can cause that. It can be your internet, computer, or because allot of your options are turned up high like...
I have one question, why were you banned?