Banned For Playing MINEVERSE!
Come on Mods, B Nice
Banned for having the name @ashley12zena
Queen Of Hearts
I could only see a little of your profile pic, but I rate it... 9/10
Banned for baning me for the same reason I banned you for!
Oh nO, is sOmething wrOng?
Banned for having two words in your name starting with D
Total Support! If this ever become official, I'm sure to apply for it.
Good idea llikeicecream83! I totally support this.
Come on guys, there's 15 more Letters, Let's do this!
9/10 That's pretty cool Mega
Let's Just finish this alphabet before a mod posts
Nancy Drew
Ok ok I hate it when I have to rate profile pics that are the actual person! But I give U a 6/10
Hahaha I think I we all AgreeD that this game is frustrating!
Yeah, You should report him.... I'm in the same situation. This guy called TheBoss (with some numbers after that i cannot remeber) said that he'd...
Guys since plan A didn't work lets do plan B
Ok Guys I'll do my ones because the last 2 people didn't play the concept of the game so here I go 1) Ok Officer, I have a clown suit with a...