I swear after my last post you replied saying its pointless and you do not wanna waste your time. You also asked for the moderator application to...
whats your ingame name
Thank you, tb to 2016 i think lol
This is the last time I am going to reply to this thread. I mean you're lying on your application and here are the screen shots that show you've...
to me honestly it just seems like you’ve changed to get moderator or you’re putting up a fake persona. You’ve been banned for a lot of things in...
Thanks for the feedback but the only reason I do not report as often as I used to is because my reports normally take days to resolve. I do not...
@AcePvP Thank you for the supports.
Thank you
You’re just going to ignore porky’s reponse? No support.
@OhSkqy Thank you guys for the support
support u bean taster
- I never got demoted to start off so I recommend you try to get your facts straight before trying to make an opinion on a moderator application....
Normally I refrain from no-supporting applicants, however in this case i'm giving you a no support. What made you think creating two forums...
Nah i heard knicks with kyrie or smt like that.
rip gsw
He's not starting arguments, he's providing you information to show that you're incorrect. It's not immature or childish. If you can't take a...
Awh I could of helped you with parkour if you asked ahaha, but thanks for the support.