Your ingame name: But_Daddy_ The offender's exact ingame name: BlurryfacedEvan A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Glitch...
Your ingame name: But_Daddy_ The offender's exact ingame name:BrandonFF A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Cursing, Used...
Your ingame name: But_Daddy_ The offender's exact ingame name: Superpower1345,Barlevim,KoseBukse. A description of what rule they broke/how they...
How old are you? Im 11, turning 12 on june 9th.... Whats you Ign? Its But_Daddy_ currently, when i can change it ill be GamerWolf21...
Your ingame name: But_Daddy_ The offender's exact ingame name: Karam67 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Glitch abusing,...
My ingame name: But_Daddy_ (Ive been know as the following too: TrinityTaylor06 & KittyGamerMLG) The Offenders Exact Ingame name: There was 2,...
The person in the pic's name is: ciffecool99 He kept saying he was the owner of the server so i just wanted to make sure this was dealt with.... thats the person who was giving out the ip i underlined it too thats him someone killed him and he was still alive idk if this has gotten dealt with yet but...
Jukorio was accusing someone of hacking, ive got a picture of only half of the spam, ive got proof...
Ive got a picture and proof just how do i use it??? Gyazo i need to learn im a newbee at everything so yea but please leave advice :D
The1RedEnderman was Banned.. i heard that but he was on his alt!!!!!! i got a screenshot if one mod has skype and can give me thier skype i will...