that photo...
the characters are awesome. The stars seem to be blurry and out of focus.
If your banned your banned and should stay that way. If you can't get unbanned from appeals then your obviously not fit to be on the servers.
about 95% of suggestions are already suggested. by about 20 other people.
lol he is speaking as if he was 2 people. I implemented then cypriotmerks implemented. I think Noobcrew forgot which account he was playing as.
I don't know a single teen that has gone to a doctor for diagnosis for anything and not come back with a diagnosis for depression. And most of...
Ah your 16 its a stage you'll get over it. We all go through it around that age. Its just hormones being hormones and making everyone miserable....
"Nothing Matters" , but go ahead and pick up some hobbies, play some sports, learn some instruments, and do pushups. Cause in the End Nothing...
snake eating a bat
is it just me or did you go and remove all your posts on this page to make the conversations look really funny
some mods will feel butthurt but hey maybe that makes them do better
lel xXpvpkinsXx is gonna have fun getting unbanned. all his forum accounts end up getting banned.
that had to have been painful
blah blah blah We need more staff. blah blah blah. Just wait for Cyp to promote again
you gotta learn some how
this isn't off topic. EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNow about this
that wasn't a needed comment
its self explanatory you see the doo hickey with the teeth. You use that and cut your legs. and then you use the other side after you apply it to...