lol this thread. I've been in teamspeak with cyp and others as they hack on servers its fun to listen too. He's not hacking on his server...
doesn't everyone hack on mineplex?
Guess he no like
Get malwarebytes and super anti spywar and run them in safe mode the viruses should dissapear.
It is specific itnsays hacked. Cant get much more specific.
I have 3-4 clients 2 of which i used for months and was never caught. I personally enjoyed reporting hackers and never getting caught most of my...
one does not simply make pile admin and mod
it has come to my attention that I am now leaving the server.
must tell us
the fact that you had a hack client on your computer is whats funny whos to say you haven't been using it.
Just remove the trophies related to ratings and switch them with time based things. One reason the rate abuse is such a problem is with people...
I'm a guy so join the club.
support women need to make men beasts. #Womenmasterrace
dollhouse- Melanie Martinez
lel That's been there a long time. First time i played oppvp i made sure to get out of the map and explore. There are some dirt castles if you...
kill it with fire
if they cant solve that they shouldn't be trusted to see if were rate abusing
remove the "rate abuse" It's honestly a dumb way to get someone banned from the forums. I personally don't check the forums often so most times...