I was just having fun looking at some funny and cute dog gifs and I thought that I should share some with you guys! I will be posting more soon!...
This is a new wallpaper I made with Novaskin (A skin website) and it looks really cool, so I decided to share it with you guys! The people from...
Hey everyone! After going to @Alex's TBH and felt like a cool person, I decided to make a TBH thread myself! I don't really need to say much...
Reporting: tariqaldawood20 Reason: Disrespecting @Alex in-game Evidence: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
WHOO Tony Abbott is no longer Prime Minister of Australia and now Malcolm Turnbull is!! Tony Abbott you ruined Australia.. I have a feeling the...
I already know the cause, it was because someone hacked the server. Some people on creative are able to use commands now, so I congratulate...
Ok this just happened- I was on forums when I go on my profile page seeing what seems to be blackmail. He says to apologise to him or else he...
Ok, you play the game simply by saying who you would kiss, who you would marry and who would you KILL. I'll start. I would: Kiss @WolfWhisperer,...
[ATTACH] Hey guys! You might know me as RebornWolf, or Reborn, Wolf, or even Wolfie. I have decided to apply for Moderator on this server as I...
Ok this is what angers me- Creative is crashing often and no Mod comes to help out whatsoever, leaving me and some others to do so. Screen shots...
Ok its basically a never-ending story.. :P Rules: No Rude stuff (Like inappropriate or offensive things) Your part has to be less than 10 words...
Username- RebornWolf_ and my last name was AjayRocky123 Age- 11, and proud to be so! :p Time zone- Australian Eastern Time Country- Australia...
In creative HuanJohn made some hacked books that says funny (title) inside it says click HERE if u have this book DO NOT CLICK IT, IT ERASES UR...
Help!! Ok, so this is what happened.. I went on mineverse on 1.8 (With Optifine) and went on creative.. problem was, i couldn't do most of the...
There should be a /home and /set home command in creative so u can visit other plots when their owners are offline or something..
Today on 1:00pm Australia time I went on nc to go on mineverse but it wasn't working.. all the other servers were though and I restarted mc 3...
This is a thread for all dog lovers like me so chat about dog related topics. Rocky out!