Your forums account name: RebornWolf The offender's forums account name (link to profile): Shinydragon...
[IMG] This is what it looks like when I've rated a comment on a mod app/suggestion before the implementation of the support/no support/neutral...
My IGN: RebornWolf Offenders IGN: JimmyCuzX Offence: Hacking - Kill Aura [MEDIA]
I want to change my name both on forums and in-game, but don't know what to change it to. Any ideas? I like Wolves Dogs Anime-ish Fantasy/Gods
Make it look something like our forums- [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] OR [SPOILER] Instead of a black/yellow colour theme, it would be a...
[IMG] Exstatisfy | TADS4 | Discdog1000 | AthleticPsycho | Halex00 | Bkboucher | Remember this?
I'm suggesting that you spawn at the level where you are at, for example- You are level 10, but you have to walk the flight of stairs (And now and...
Most Infection players already know this, but for those who don't know, there is these Infection Maps (Outbreak & Nuketown) that have trapped...
This is pretty self-explanatory. Just lock and archive moderator applications that are older than 6 months and isn't active, so then new members...
[IMG] Hello everyone, my name is Rocky, but I am known as RebornWolf, Reborn, or Wolfay in Minecraft. I will be reapplying for mod after some time...
Hey guys! Now, the infection players might've noticed 3 new maps being added. These are Metropolis, Temple (Re-added) and the last one, Rivers....
Offender: alexander.walker Offence: Rate abuse- in 1 minute he disliked 6 peoples opinions on his Moderator Application. *sigh* [IMG]
IGN: RebornWolf Offenders IGN: PugLife_Cameron Offence: Hacking I think? In the video, it looks a bit like kill aura, but I'm not too sure....
Ok, so before I got demoted, I had my /socialspy on Prison because someone was saying a guy was spamming him with hate messages. Anyway, around a...
Own IGN: MasterAjay569 (My brothers account, he told me to report the offender) Offenders IGN: McNoobityNoob Rulebroken: Spamming (He used Spambot...
Own IGN: RebornWolf :> Offenders IGN: xizy1992 Rule Broken- Advertising and spam. [ATTACH]
I thought I would never have to make this thread, but I was wrong. When the day came and I got Moderator, I was jumping for joy. The Staff team...