Hey so on the day that Pony got banned or joined these forums, we should hold a ponyknight day where we do everything ponyknight from flirting to...
can we just filter the term "kys" on both the forums and server so people can't say it, and change the filter up? The change I want implemented is...
sorry guys but I have had to come to this, for a very important reason. [IMG] Yes, Auzzi thinks this terrible and really lame guy called...
[IMG] Clicked on all of them, same message as the first server that was blacklisted. Seems like you lot are going to have to use SquidHQ, which is...
jk k so I went on Prison because I'm lame and @Obsolescent was on there and after me being mauled by @Kolos and his mighty arrows (I was...
This is absolutely depressing, really. Creative, out of all gamemodes out there, has no item dropping. So what if FitMC came and lagged it out...
The offender's forums account name (link to profile): http://www.mineverse.com/members/anthony9456.29141/ A description of what rule they...
@KittyVonCatWorth made a suggestion on having a Vanilla gamemode, and people seemed to not understand anything. The logic behind their ideas was...
The offender's forums account name (link to profile) http://www.mineverse.com/members/xzilley.19103/ A description of what rule they broke/how...
Hello everyone. During my time of being banned, I decided to hop onto another Minecraft forum that I know quite well, just to find out what was...
pretty self explanatory. For those who don't understand, what I'm suggesting is to add the rules of Towny to the official rules thread, made by...
yo so gonna do this because it's 9:38PM and I am bored so enjoy learning my life. 100 stuffs about Reborn 1. Real name: Ranveer. Not mentionin'...
Hello my friends! I've been thinking about something for a while, which was the use of ratings on particular nodes. I then thought about the...
k, so previously I've gotten overwhelmed with tbh requests from complete strangers and just ditched the thread, but this time I hopefully will be...
So yeah this was a thread by my homie @Memeliodas, but got gravedug so rest in hairy puppies eating lots of grass then vomiting rainbows. Anyway,...
Yo guys, so I wish to manually upgrade my Samsung Galaxy Nexus i9250, from Android Jellybean 4.3 to Android Kitkat 4.4.4. If you're asking why...
Own IGN: RebornWolf Offenders IGNs: AzureYuuki and TheF11Hacker Offence: AzureYuuki was using fast bow with the egg launcher gadget, while...
Own IGN: RebornWolf Offenders IGN: Spedicle Offence: Death threats. Screenshots: [IMG] This was meant to be in another report, but the screenshot...
Own IGN: RebornWolf Offenders IGNs: Spedicle, JT_APPLE, DeoxisTech, and Quahxzing Offence: All of them said death threats to the Infection...
@Janice999 you need to do this as well, cmon. K joining this new trend, because why not. Gonna do this in a really stylish/fancy font and colour,...