I know what your talking about, In that case, their called "parties", Anyway's support.
Bump, Found a way to add the game/plugins, hardwork but definitely worth the wait/price.
First off, You can't get rid of "pets" on Infection, well you can but it's not what you think it's like. First of all you can get rid of them,...
Did you tell him that a lot's happened? :)
1 intro per person, Make it count.
Lock and archive this please, I'm over the server, no point wasting months trying to get the position, there's better/funnier servers out there,...
No one, never will, Alone forever, hearts broken, don't wanna brake it again.
Thanks! :) Thank you so much! :D
I know it sounds silly, but yeah, but thanks for your opinion. Thanks! :)
Thank you :) Thanks :D
Bump? :(
i nut shur ;33
ohaider! :)
Hello? Ahhh ok...
Aren't the flatlands illegal to live at?
You make me cry of laughter, I'm dieing! :hilarious: