Working on it, thanks though :) Thanks :) Thank you! :)
It's 9.00pm at night, and it's my dad's birthday, But I'm adding more as I go, thank you for your support though :)
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.
Thank you for your support :) Thank you :) Thank you! :)
Preface: Okay, so first off I just want to say I have made a lot of silly mistakes in my life, but it was all for a purpose. When I resigned, it...
Hey! :)
Guten Tag, Wie geht's Nett, Sue kennen zu lemen, Tschus Sprichst du / Sprechen Sie englisch I apologise if I said something wrong, if I did,...
Thanks :)
Me at Mt. Cook. [ATTACH]
Thank you!! :) Thank you!! :) Thank you!! :)
IGN: jadey64 Current rank: VIP, I was a MVP but some reason when I resigned I lost my MVP and got reduced to VIP.
Support, awesome idea.
Being honest, But that looks like glide hacks, sure you can get boosted up by zombies/humans, But from where you jump up, it's four extra blocks...
Their not reseting Skyblock, Noobcrew said himself :P
Got a new game, just about to play it, and lightning comes, doh.
You'll always be my friend, :) Awe hi Hipster!! :) <3
I followed you as a mod, and you posted three comments on my profile, Then you said I was the best mod, :( Hai lola I missed you to :)
thank you <3 Tank chu! :)
Thank you! :) :))))))))))
Oh, sorry for your loss..