The application is good but I seem to remember you being quite rude to me ingame. 50% support, for now
The suggestions page is there for maps to be suggested among other things. The discussion pages are there for people to discuss things about...
Support Van, one of the best apps I have seen in a while
he can talk if he wants to, especially if he is giving you information about how you are wrong, in this case, not knowing what a moderator can do...
I am an experienced infection player and I think it would be fine to keep it with no layer cap, it makes it more fun for humans to have more...
advertising your application will just make you less likely to receive support and positive feedback. Just saying
yes its allowed on op facs.It isn't allowed on other servers.I don't want people to think its allowed everywhere. Also its spelt incorrect
Tp trapping is bannable,Spamming is warn,kick and mutable
@GizzBots has explained this pretty well
Never played either of them,I doubt I will.Im more of and console fps guy