It was great to work with you. If you want to talk about anything, I'm here for you :)
Respect might be earned. But just because they haven't earned it, doesn't mean they should be abused
I see you on infection alot and you seem quite friendly to me. Although I dont always agree with you, you are a nice person
Elite, you speak your mind and voice your thoughts, very much like myself, this must be why I like you as a person on these forums :)
Ahhh Van, You are on of the kindest people on this server, kind, sense of humour and always happy to chat <3
I dont really see you ingame but I do see you on the forums alot and I agree with some things you say.Seems we think alike
I didn't really get a chance to speak to you in the staff chat quick, so I hope we could speak some time :)
Again another person I don't speak to much, and who voices opinions.I have seen you on infection a few times.You seem ok to me
I dont really speak to you much, i know that you speak your mind and that is something i applaud even if i dont always agree
Your always very nice to me goku, especially when I was ever on op pvp. :)
It was great to work with you on the staff team before my resignation.I hope to speak again soon Dj
Just leave dude
Gotta luv friends,( How you Doin?) I also enjoy watching The Walking dead The Big Bang theory The IT Crowd Russell Howards good news and Southpark OFC
You are a very mature person and you have a good sense of humour which I struggle to find on this server at the moment, I enjoyed talking to you...
You are one the people i respect most on this server. I first met you on infection when i was but a wee skrub. You helped me then, and you haven't...
I will be honest i was Very troubled when you were demoted as you had always been a very nice person to me. And you still are :)
Thesach04 advertising a death warp[ATTACH][ATTACH]
Nice one DJ