I I don't think donors should have the power to remove players from servers
Support on the lobby suggestions no support on the creative The points about infection are common knowledge
FFS I wonder why I even bother looking at these anymore. You just get these pathetic people.
You have the coolest hair. Im jelly
Congratulations, You deserve it and I know you will do well
Cyp is looking at it
Support, if something like this was implemented, it might actually make prison fun again
I would, but I don't have any money. I know that it would be a good idea to try for citizen, but the fact is that even though I rarely play prison...
Support. Might wanna change the Trust sub-heading because I has gone to code Apart from that Good Luck
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/request.43019/ It would mean a lot if you could check out my thread. I asked Alexa to tag you so I hope you can...
Then think about that before you go handing out your opinion on mods
It happened to alot of people Deal with it
I have a plan. Look at moderator activity from the moderators point of view. Leave cyp to do his job and promote moderators when he feels like it...
Dude this looks awesome
Im so very grateful to both of you but I would still like my Prison rank back, or at least some acknowledgement on how to get it back. I would...
Yeah :inpain: