"I'm deeply sorry" Ye bs . I'm going to miss making you salty.
Since when were nanurz's jokes funny????!!!!
We're watching Romeo and Juliet in class with young Leo it's pretty great
Gay !
U and Greg make a cute couple :)
What did I just watch
Santana is my favourite out of all your crushes
When he's poetic <3_<3
O w8 u are nvm :3
U ain't following me m8
And I'm not sure it is a blue screen with a bunch on info
Okay so do you know the cord you plug into the laptop to make your Laptop recharge once dead well the hole you put that into for it to charge is...
Got no money
Ares the part where you plug your charger into is broken and the laptop is just terrible it takes like 10 minutes to turn on and blue screens a lot
I officially don't play in game anymore my laptop broke and I don't see myself gettin one soon so I gave my account to @Sando3 <3
Sad times I just wanted to fly
Aww I love you Alex <3 I would say I'm going to miss seeing you in game but I can't play anymore either so yeah ;( we need to talk more <3
Ducks taste good <3
Yeah she would be a year 10 though
Idk I'm a randy